Don’t stop now, Kid. (2014)

let’s talk sound,
let’s talk violent cacophony,
let’s talk throttle, let’s talk fuck.
Let’s talk with piston fists ‘n that one-two kiss,
let’s be lightning strikes ‘n broken dikes
    ‘n let that adrenaline floodwater float you,
    let that American hue color you too,
you’ve got those chantin’ tirades,
you’ve got that bubblin’ rage,
come on kid, come, come on,
I’m bored.
I’ve been black eye-bloodied ‘n come on,
come in for more, for more,
I ain’t but vulture meal,
    ain’t even a hard take,
come on, kid,
I’m bored.

I got nothin’ against you, kid,
but you came in, came in swingin’,
too early, too soon.
you got no stamina on you.
all them quick-start up-starts,
red-faced ‘n shamed.

Pardon me, but this is the American thing to do.

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