Untitled #619 (2014)

For those just joining us, I will repeat.

I can.

and storms drip rivulets down car windows,
tires kicking up mist in the river-swells.

Swells of rage billow at the thought of you.
And here we are, me writin’ about you,
a grace reserved for those I’ve, or would like to fuck,
or lacking that, family.
You ain’t any of ‘em, but here we are.

For those just joining us, I will repeat.

And it ain’t exactly your fault,
ain’t like you meant it,
or that I would care if you did,
but the i’s been a long time wallowin’,
‘n you’re as good a mask as any.

and storms drip rivulets down car windows,
tires kicking up mist in the river-swells.

I’ve had this great meloncollie growing,
these dirge tones ringing,
and there’s that death in the family,
and you stepped in, just at the right time.
I am: floodwaters.

For those just joining us, I will repeat.

I drip rivulets down car windows,
tires kickin’ mist in my swells,
cuttin’ pathes through my lappin’ hungry squall.
Ain’t a sense to it,
but it’s about time I drowned the i.

I can.

Beat to beat.

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