And that’s a promise (2013)

I’m gonna fuck you with your feet up by your ears,
holdin’ you by the ankles,
lookin’ you in the eyes.

I don’t care if you’ve got tits or dick or both or nothin’ at all floppin’ round,
I’m gonna fuck you with your feet up by your ears.

I dunno who you are,
I dunno how we’ll meet,
‘n I ain’t gonna assume everyone’ll agree to this,
but you’ll read these words,
‘n you’ll know.

I’m lookin’ at you,
‘n I’m gonna fuck you with your feet up by your ears,
‘n you’re gonna bite your lip,
’cause these California walls ain’t thick.

Who knows if it’ll mean somethin’ or nothin’,
Who knows if it’ll be one time or syndication,


I’m gonna fuck you with your feet up by your ears.

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