[Apply Online.] (2013)

[Apply Online.]
But how to you glean whether or not I have the charisma for good customer service from a form?

[Apply Online.]
How can you tell how firm my handshake is,
Whether I walk with confidence,
Or the exaggerated world weary apathy article after article bestows upon my generation.

[Apply Online.]
But I came in, resume in hand,
Showered, shaved, dressed up,
So you would see I’m committed to actually selling myself,
Actually care about how I look,
How I look to you,
For you.

[Apply Online.]
I have mild dyslexia and dysgraphia,
But I showed up with pen and all the needed information to fill out an application for you,
On the spot,
To show you I want this job.
I am willing to move myself out of my comfort zone for you.

[Apply Online.]
I’m all for embracing the convenience and utility of technology,
But everyone seems to have decided,
First impressions don’t mean shit,
And all that crap they taught in careers can’t ever come into play,
Because I’m applying for the same crap jobs as 30-40 year olds,
And my resume doesn’t look anything as nice as theirs,
So file 13 seems to be my permanent home,
Despite the fact that I could end up being the better candidate,
Or not.
I don’t know,
And you don’t know,
Because I’m just answers in an online form.
Not some person.

Hey, welcome to the job hunt.
[Apply Online.]

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