I knew a woman named Sequoia. (2013)

you just want that grass-between-toes,
sorta feelin’,
ain’t nothin’ gonna get you,
you got wooden bones, ‘n bark thick-thick-thick,
–wild-fires burn,
–but they just makin’ room for you to spread.

you just walkin’ among the Sequoias,
Prompt from mslabyrinth: “Would you write something descriptive, something about a character in a natural setting, the setting mirroring (or contrasting) the character’s thoughts and feelings? How would you escape the obvious clichés?”
By talking about true experiences. 😉
I’ve been to a few groves of the Sequoias out here in California, and that are awe inspiring, both in their size, and the way they seem to shrug off things that obliterate the growth around them.
The young woman I knew was every bit her namesake, always happy, always shrugging off whatever life threw at her.
This is getting to be fun. You can submit your own prompt here, anons welcome.

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