I may be Native, but I don’t know shit. (2013)

Closest I ever been to my Native American heritage
is balls deep in this Cherokee woman I was usin’,

Told her “I’m using you.”
‘n she said “So?”

Her skin looked caramel,
but she tasted like a woman,
and she came thick and hard.

She was my height,
twice my weight,
and she was beautiful.

I was usin’ her ’cause she ‘n I liked the sound of our flirtin’
Even if we didn’t like the folks behind it.

Her mother dressed her dogs up in frilly skirts,
and she was Cherokee,
but she wore Mohawks.

She liked anime,
and we bonded over Scott Pilgrim

She drank sweet tea ‘n water,
preferred to eat chinese.

‘n I never once heard her go on ’bout her ancestors,
or spirits of the wind.
Instead she talked True Blood,
‘n Jet Lee.

The closest I ever been to my Native American heritage,
was just another mutt like me.

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