Voice-mail #5 (2015)

Did you ever watch S. Darko? Really, really it’s not a very good movie. But something about that opening sequence,I dunno,I dunno. I didn’t want to call you. I shouldn’t have called you. But I mean,you’ve got to–you just… There are days when I want to kill you.And in a lot of ways you deserve …

Voice-mail #4 (2015)

I don’t, uh. I guess I should start with a hi or something. We haven’t spoken in years,but last I heard you were a manager for Barnes and Noble,I hope that worked out for you. One way or another,                                    at least. So,             really, this needs to be an apology.A lot of these calls …

Voice-mail #3 (2015)

Hey, I just called to say hey. Uh, the weather was nice today. It reminded me a lot of you,I haven’t seen you in anything but pictures,not for years,but there’s that smell the afternoons get,when the sun has just begun to revive the dormant grass,that spring-hope sort of smell. That and Britney Spears perfume. And …

Voice-mail #2 (2015)

Dad, it’s me again. Just saying hi.Realized today that you and I don’t talk much.Haven’t ever talked much, not in years.Just games when we’re in the same room. I don’t know if you know how much I love you. That I see how hard you work to help to make everything the best it could …

Untitled #97 (2015)

I’ve got this growing suspicion that I don’t actually like people.Not in that middle-aged over-entitled way either,they just make me anxious and, and, and most of the time,more often than not,nine times out of ten,the vast majority of times,them and me,we live like passing lifeboats from different wrecks,all spunk and refusal to abandon our disparaged …

Untitled #95 (2015)

That memory-tinged classic rock’s gone ‘n started up,‘n this accelerator ain’t takin’ kindly to the idle. Never mind the pack,you won’t need a jacket,I can already see summer on that horizon.I been where we’re goin’, love,‘n there ain’t west but more west,but there’s a few killer sunsets ‘long the way. ‘n it’s true,for me love’s …

Untitled #92 (2015)

If there isn’t anything nice to say,there isn’t anything to say,or so the mothers keep telling me. And if I believed them,there wouldn’t be a single word I’d say about myself. but here I am,ranting at all hours,at all lengths,about just how shitty I am.

Untitled #89 (2015)

Really, I haven’t loved anyone since I came out.Not in that dumb sloppy head-over heels way,and I don’t know if it’s growing upor if I let someone teach me to hate my own desires. And I’m tired of other people choosing who I’m out to,And I’m tired of having to worry about it. I just …