Special Instructions: (2015)

I have ordered a pizza specifically
                 because it is a substitute for chicken noodle soup.

if this is your last house,
I would not be opposed to giving you the pizza,
if you stopped and got me some soup.

If you are lonely,
you can eat it here,
if you’re not creepy about it.

I’m lonely too,

                most times.

but you can’t come in.
I might be sick,
it might be rabies,
it might be depression.
I really don’t know,
and it might catch.

Please call on your arrival.
My front door is not the front door,
and the doorbell doesn’t work.
I live in the small room at the top and back of the house,
I won’t hear the knocking,

and the front door is not a door,
the windows don’t look out into your world,
do not ask about the windows.

                                                          their secrets are not to share.

But if this is impossible,
just leave the pizza in the mailbox,
a check will be taped inside it,
as well as a ten dollar tip.

                                                 please spend it on ear-muffs.
                                                                 it’s so cold outside.

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