Untitled #207 (2018)

sometimes I feel like the perfect chameleon.

don’t talk about it much, anymore,
but I’ve enough life under my belt to relate
to just about anyone.

lived just short of homeless for a while,
been white my whole life,
been a male too,
been a busser,
been a dishwasher,
been a groundskeeper,
been a burger-flipper,
been a poet,
been a writer,
been an asshole,
been shoved nosefirst into the error of my ways,
been an IT guy,
been with men,
been with women,
been with people who ain’t one or the other,
been drunk,
been high,
been so lost I didn’t know street-signs from sunrise,
and I’ve gotten paid for all of ‘em, one way or another.

‘n maybe I’m finally done wandering,
but I can’t help but notice that all those,
look so close together
in the rear-view.

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