Untitled #52 (2015)

I should be sleeping,
but instead old memories whisper,

Uh, kid,
the whole *falling* in love bit?
It doesn’t happen when you’re holding back.

You been sad plently long enough.
‘cause maybe,
maybe it ain’t so bad to tell yourself what you need to think,
if it gets the gettin’ by.

hell, it’s all the language of the tramp-down anyhow,
with those cuckoo regular choruses of assent,
who’s gonna hear one more shrill-shred song,
change up the chant,
sing the a-long.

[let sit gut deep,
what we both know is so,
is so,
but they,
they don’t know.
they don’t have to know.
you don’t have to go.]

*don’t go*

we were happy once,
you and me.


shake my head,
in the ‘stead
and write another sad song,
where the cadences creep along.

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