Lists are boring man. How about I share my writer’s crushes in the form of poetry? Yeah, that sounds good. First up Kate Monica (katejustkate), who just released a few electronic chap–books:
I read all of those ebooks you posted,
And I didn’t mind your spam.
You remind me of all the things I fell in love with in people.
And all the pain they were probably hiding beneath.
Your poetry is like a musical number,
Not the way the depression made them,
But in the way Rent sings—
In those moments when nothing else can be so—
I see you late at night,
Talking to followers,
Asking for approval.
So I thought I’d write you a poem,
And tell you that you remind me of the reasons I fall in love,
In a time when I don’t.
Even when I’m just sitting in the back of a room,
I approve of everything you do.
Even if I don’t,
I do.