Writer’s Crush: unbearablysharp (2013)

And now we have Ruth Isabel Field (unbearablysharp), who has also just recently released and electronic chapbook:
You hail from New Zealand,
Though I dunno if you feel it.
You’ve been to London,
And all these god-damn cities that I’ve never seen.

I grew up, kind-a-sorta in Kansas,
Some stints in Missouri,
And now I’ve got that California sort-of-thing,

We couldn’t have more different lives,
What with your clubs,
And Concerts,
And beautiful beautiful bedrooms,
Even if they’re temporary,
And I’ve got boxes I never unpack,
Because I feel in my bones I’ll be gone again soon.

We are so very, very, far apart,
But you are my hope that distance means shit,
Seeing as your work,
Is so damn easy to just fucking get.

You’re beautiful,
And you deserve better than you get,
But damn you make what you get beautiful.
I’m not too manly to admit I’ve cried at your words.

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