i am so very small . and everything else so very large.
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Untitled #132 (2015)
I’m more and more preoccupiedwith how my work looks on phones because I want you to know exactly what I meanwhen I say– .
Untitled #129 (2015)
there is so much between me and you. It’s as beautiful as it is frustrating.
Untitled #13 (2014)
Winter’s in the bridges,frost already fallow in steel and concrete. Smile like baptism,and eyes like fire.quick to wit, when wit were worthy.regal in reach and roar. Winter’s in the bridges,everyone’s pretending to blow smoke-rings with their breath. But then again, there’s all that to talk about,and that is so much effort.Apathy is the frost in …
Untitled #124 (2015)
someone gave me a portrait,and told me to write a poem. I didn’t. it’s not done. don’t look at it.
Untitled #125 (2015)
So,this is gonna sound a little conversational,but it’s a poem. swear to qod* (*The ficticious god of poetry Stephen just made up right here and right now : Strain, Dipple, et. al. {ed. you’re not even using real academic notation anymore, hasn’t this bit run its course?[Do you know how …
Untitled #126 (2015)
andhowisitthatyouexplainthateverythingismeticulous? How do you say PULL<-m e->apart?and isn’t that always the question.
Untitled #122 (2015)
you ever sit in the bathroom, smoking, and watch a rainstorm through the window-screen? breeze sliding through your hair. used to be everything felt like that. used to be a lot of things. don’t matter. I’m here now. sitting in the bathroom, smoking, watching the rainstorm through the window screen. it’s beautiful.
Untitled #123 (2015)
they say the best art comes from the complete inability to completely describe an idea, that rather than creating a thing itself, all we are allowed to do is to paint tracings around shadows and hope that reminds us of the tide of things. They say that. But I’m sitting here with a blank page, …
Untitled #117 (2015)
an’ yeah,it’s true,your words got that lightnin’ flicker backin’ skitterin’fingertip to emotionslip. but you, you ain’t got the skills you need to bottle the spark flittin’ past. so we get cryptological quality photographs,screen captures,broken copiesof whatyou see. and the world’ll change,don’t worry,I ain’t gonna let them tear you down.post them copies,keep at it.You’ll learn. …