Waiting for home to come steaming up-river. (2014)

My apartment is an old house on the hill,    poorly and incompletely refurbished.From my hall and rickety fire-escape,I look off over the Davenport skyline,    towards Rockport’s just accross The River. At night the city fills with orange lights,    Centennial bridge half-lit most nights.All the old houses in this neighborhood have these same river-facing windows.The romantic …

Voice-mail #7 (2015)

Hey… I just wanted to thank you, I guess. I mean,I was probably a lot more awkward than I should have been,but you were younger than all the other teachers I had,and you were so interested in me and my progress,and I maybe mistook that for something else,or wanted to mistake it. But you’re the …

Voice-mail #3 (2015)

Hey, I just called to say hey. Uh, the weather was nice today. It reminded me a lot of you,I haven’t seen you in anything but pictures,not for years,but there’s that smell the afternoons get,when the sun has just begun to revive the dormant grass,that spring-hope sort of smell. That and Britney Spears perfume. And …

Voice-mail #4 (2015)

I don’t, uh. I guess I should start with a hi or something. We haven’t spoken in years,but last I heard you were a manager for Barnes and Noble,I hope that worked out for you. One way or another,                                    at least. So,             really, this needs to be an apology.A lot of these calls …

Voice-mail #5 (2015)

Did you ever watch S. Darko? Really, really it’s not a very good movie. But something about that opening sequence,I dunno,I dunno. I didn’t want to call you. I shouldn’t have called you. But I mean,you’ve got to–you just… There are days when I want to kill you.And in a lot of ways you deserve …

Untitled #97 (2015)

I’ve got this growing suspicion that I don’t actually like people.Not in that middle-aged over-entitled way either,they just make me anxious and, and, and most of the time,more often than not,nine times out of ten,the vast majority of times,them and me,we live like passing lifeboats from different wrecks,all spunk and refusal to abandon our disparaged …