So, let’s talk about a cool opportunity, for me, and for you.
If you didn’t know, I have a collection of poetry called Let’s Get Drunk and Yell This Out.
An excerpt of Erika Price’s review:
Sometimes, Stephen’s poems are song-like, with repeating lines like desperate incantations; sometimes they are conversational and flush with detail, so they read like stories; sometimes they are snippets of poignant, offbeat details that lend the whole work depth and breadth.
An excerpt of Mik Everett’s review:
This [“the dropped -g in anything ending in ‘-ing.’”], however, does not preclude the verse from sounding poetic, wrought with both imagery and assonance. One of my favorite examples of this skill: ”She’s sin skinny when she wraps those lips around” from the poem “As Angus and Julia Stone would put it, ‘Just a Boy.’”
An excerpt of Luci Black’s review:
This book left me in an extremely ruminative, yet hopeful state and it is one of those books that I will pick up to read again and again for the strong imagery, emotion and passionate narration throughout.
If at this point you feel like I’m selling you something, I kind of am, but it’s not going to end in the usual link to the Amazon page.
I have an opportunity to restart my life and live on my own again. I’m going to move to Iowa and work, at least partially, with a good friend of mine from college.
Moving takes money, and I’m asking you.
However, this isn’t an emergency, and there’s a lot of other charitable causes you should really be giving your money to.
So, I wanna sell you something, and in addition to getting something, you’ll have the knowledge of knowing you’re helping me out.
What I want to do is sell you a print copy of Let’s Get Drunk. A home-made signed copy.
But it’s more than that. I’m also willing to set up a giveaway of John Dorsey’s Tombstone Factory and a copy of David and Leigh Eddings’ The Belgariad annotated by me.
Tentative cost is $8 a copy plus shipping.
What I want to know from you is do you have interest in that?