Untitled #471 (2014)

So, let’s talk about a cool opportunity, for me, and for you. If you didn’t know, I have a collection of poetry called Let’s Get Drunk and Yell This Out. An excerpt of Erika Price’s review: Sometimes, Stephen’s poems are song-like, with repeating lines like desperate incantations; sometimes they are conversational and flush with detail, …

Untitled #472 (2014)

So, the cover needs to be re-centered, but it’s not looking bad. The second page, you make notice the # with a 0 next to it. All of the printings will be numbered like that, so you’ll know what printing you got. The binding isn’t going to be anything super fancy but some roundhead fasteners …

Untitled #473 (2014)

Alright, here’s the deal. I’ve set up a very, very simple store page. You can visit it here. The prices are as follows, and they include shipping, though the 9% sales tax of my lovely county in the State of California will be applied at the time of purchase: Ordering from in the U.S.: $12.60 …