So, the cover needs to be re-centered, but it’s not looking bad. The second page, you make notice the # with a 0 next to it. All of the printings will be numbered like that, so you’ll know what printing you got.
The binding isn’t going to be anything super fancy but some roundhead fasteners should do a fantastic job. The covers are cardstock, btw, so they should hold up fairly well.
I’m thinking a $7 price might be more appropriate. I didn’t show this in the pictures, but it’s roughly a quarter of an inch thick.
The binding isn’t going to be anything super fancy but some roundhead fasteners should do a fantastic job. The covers are cardstock, btw, so they should hold up fairly well.
I’m thinking a $7 price might be more appropriate. I didn’t show this in the pictures, but it’s roughly a quarter of an inch thick.