I’ve run out of whiskey,And money to buy whiskey,Which means I need to be sober.That scares the shit out of me.
Post Type Archives: Poems
Writing a YA tale. (2013)
you know,it probably says somthin’ about my outlook– –my first non-confessional poem, –was about fate-failed heros, –not even tragic, just dead. –no rewards, no fame, just dead ‘n dark, –the sound of wind through the trees. course, now I’ve got these cyborg dreams,a woman who knows everything keeping– –everything from a child of nothing,sing-song …
Writer’s Doubt (2015)
There is nothing good enough to go here.
Writer’s Crush: unbearablysharp (2013)
And now we have Ruth Isabel Field (unbearablysharp), who has also just recently released and electronic chapbook: You hail from New Zealand,Though I dunno if you feel it.You’ve been to London,And all these god-damn cities that I’ve never seen. I grew up, kind-a-sorta in Kansas,Some stints in Missouri,Arkansas,And now I’ve got that California sort-of-thing, We …
Writer’s Crush: trixclibrarian (2013)
Now, Jill C (trixclibrarian), who does NOT have an ebook, as much as I wish she did: We’ve had some discussions,You and I,Strictly professional,But I can’t help but feel we’re a little closer,Than you were just someone who filled my dash with amazing. I’ll share a secret with you,I have no fucking clue how old …
Writer’s Crush: katejustkate (2013)
Lists are boring man. How about I share my writer’s crushes in the form of poetry? Yeah, that sounds good. First up Kate Monica (katejustkate), who just released a few electronic chap–books: I read all of those ebooks you posted,And I didn’t mind your spam. You remind me of all the things I fell in …
Writer’s Crush: ericboydblog (2013)
He is amazing. Nothing short. Eric Boyd (ericboydblog): You say inSix words: Everything.
{write poem} (2014)
{establish long-form metaphor} deep-sauna-sunlight drenched afternoon,when it woke,that bone-crack passion-snap deep-gut hunger,ass-to-crotch, nose-to-page.Moist lips suckling the moment’s teet,tasting the skin of it, smelling the lust,deep-pull thrust–thrust-thrusting to the quick of it. short-hair punk-dyed slight and musty thing feel that first spindle twine… {concurrent image} alliterate phrases come ejaculatory , slick-drenching themselves to half-mad stains …
Wriggle (2015)
On these worms,I’ve written the entirety of the English language. Please arrange them into sentences. I don’t care that they keep wriggling away.Do it anyway. Also, please use only this fan.Do not touch the worms.They do not like it. Now, tell me how you feel,no,with the worms.Only the worms.
Work crush (2013)
Goody fuckin’ two shoes,what ‘n the hell am I supposed to do with that?I’ve been high ‘n drunk,‘n fucked people for no reason but because I could,‘n you’re over here talkin’ about how you’re babysittin’ for your church. we work at a god damned liquor store.I’ve done just sort of thousand dollar sales,shillin’ vice like …