You keep asking me how old I am, and you say I sound so different than the others. (2013)

I’ve spent these last few months living on borrowed affection.The beneficiary of lust-lewd thoughts I did not deserve.I even fell in love for a keep asking me how old I am,and 22 don’t feel old,but to some, to some it is.You don’t talk to people,and chances are I talk to too many. But we’ve …

Writing a YA tale. (2013)

you know,it probably says somthin’ about my outlook–    –my first non-confessional poem,    –was about fate-failed heros,    –not even tragic, just dead.    –no rewards, no fame, just dead ‘n dark,    –the sound of wind through the trees. course, now I’ve got these cyborg dreams,a woman who knows everything keeping–     –everything from a child of nothing,sing-song …

{write poem} (2014)

{establish long-form metaphor} deep-sauna-sunlight drenched afternoon,when it woke,that bone-crack passion-snap deep-gut hunger,ass-to-crotch, nose-to-page.Moist lips suckling the moment’s teet,tasting the skin of it, smelling the lust,deep-pull thrust–thrust-thrusting to the quick of it.    short-hair punk-dyed slight and musty thing        feel that first spindle twine… {concurrent image} alliterate phrases come ejaculatory ,    slick-drenching themselves to half-mad stains …

Who the fuck filled my Tumblr with hate? You folks need to calm your happy asses down. (2013)

I ain’t over here tryin’ to be Bukowski,–ain’t put up with half the crap he did,–ain’t felt half the hate. That thick southern in those spoken word pieces,That’s an affectation I put on for the benefit of performance. In reality I talk the way that I write essays, and that’s my natural voice and cadence, …