must have been sixth grade,this kid T.J. or Tyler–sixth grade I thought about making everyone call me Thomas,–just going by Tom for the rest of my life.he showed me his mother’s Victoria’s Secret catalogue.thick-paged, glossy shine, woman after woman,him pointing his finger at his favorites. he was blonde, but broader built than the boy …
Post Type Archives: Poems
Give the Kid a Break (2014)
Poor choices.Got me a good few of them poor choices.Got me poor choices.What it is, that’s what it is, gotta, got ta be.Poor choices. My fault, my fault, my fault, love,me and these bad choices,gotta, gotta be… that’s why, that’s why you ain’t gonna be,nothin’ more than dead-long stains on the floor,guilt stretchin’ clockwise-spirals in …
generic but true connections (2014)
I am in dire need of a consenting adult.I look like me, and I’m romantic the way that I’m romantic,I find the things I find attractive attractive,and if you’re down with that,you and I might need to connect.
gears (2018)
some nights we would go out to the bluffs and stare so far into space you could swear you’d seen the back of your own head. used to go because it was beautiful and i wanted company falling asleep in carslong talks and drinks by firelight. just want to make something an inch as beautiful,even …
Future Forms (2014)
Javascript poems that change around with the movement of your mouse. Looks boring until you move your mouse to go back, then you explore, finding more and more.
From my years in The Boy Scouts of America #3 (2013)
“Fires have their place, too. A fire can warm you, cook your food, and dry your clothes. Bright flames can lift your spirits on a rainy morning. At night, glowing embers can stir your imagination.” – The Boy Scout Handbook, Page 248, 11th Edition, Third Printing It’s quiet now,Somehow between sunset—and now,All us boys have …
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From my years in The Boy Scouts of America #2 (2013)
“ … and morally straight …To be a person of strong character, your relationships with others should be honest and open. You should respect and defend the rights of all people. Be clean in your speech and actions, and remain faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you practice as a Scout will help you …
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From my years in The Boy Scouts of America #1 (2013)
“On my honor I will do my bestTo do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;To help other people at all times;To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” – “Scout Oath” The Boy Scout Handbook, 11th Edition, Third Printing Sometimes,Being an imposter is less of a—choose-to,And …
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Forgotten Poetry Facts! (2014)
Poets can only see motion,dynamics, though they’re suckers for glacial.What I’m getting at is stop standing still,they can still see you. I sing along with the radio as I mow,and it’s unprofessional,when I get off my tractor to shoo teen golfers from driving on the tees,but I love the sunlight, and the music,and care for …
for a seventeen year old blogger (2013)
I know we don’t know each other that well,not at all even,but believe me when I say I know that blood-curdle-cry you’ve been smearing yourself with. I know a thing or two about self-hate.I know that when every criticism I had sprung up and with southern drawl lashed out,“don’t it just suck, don’t it just …