A song of Sol(e/o)m(o)n (2015)

I was going to be good today,sit down and write a short story,could make as much as 300 bucks off it.                   still tryin’,                  least at the back of the mind. but it’s all too much of a swell,toomuchswimminroundinsideallthisbigemptyspaceIkeepcallinamind. I wishthat astormwouldwashallthisaway,cleanse me with its many waters I wishthat somegod, someone wouldset allthose thingsright.that the …

A Song of Sarah (2014)

they’d always called her a wishy-wash, they had,but it wasn’t, it wasn’t her fault,just had this gut-wrench, foot-high-float sort of feel to her,and she walked like she was afraid of flyin’ from the earth,            delicate, slow.but what they liked most about her was how soft-spoken she was,how she ain’t ever been much for …

A Quickie in the Name of Truth (2013)

You don’t say shit,But apparently you love my poetry,And I want to fuck you,Just because I don’t know how else to express,How much I love that you love me,How much I love that you don’t know how to say it. It’s not that my dick is more expressive than my mouth,It’s just more immediate,And true.