all it took,
couple ‘a days ‘n a ravel
to tear this life down.
see the clumps of dirt still fallin’ from the roots
heavy achin’ thuds
moanin’ ’bout somethin’ undone,
the cadence of failure,
the melody of rejection,
patterin’ to the tune of the run.
Kid, you was prepared to declare
supreme all-knower ltd.
Had all the cards printed.
{didn’t much expect this,
didn’t much–}
Now quit with the terror-trite,
listen real-hard,
you can hear that vinyl hum.
Didn’t get the grand trip before.
Didn’t eat the miles drip by drip,
hand slidin’ in the wind,
land flyin’ in the window.
You knew the ramble was on its way,
‘n you know you were just waitin’ for the ravel.
‘n it’s here.
‘n kid,
you ain’t built for roots,
don’t know how they work.
You do all your best on the road,
’bout the road.
‘n all it took,
couple ‘a days ‘n a ravel
to tear this life down.
ain’t like it was rooted deep.
come on, kid,
ain’t that what we do?
ain’t that what we do?
them long stretchin’ roads,
the way the towns reach out at night and clutch you for warmth.
got that lean look kid,
that victorious vinyl hum,
kid, it’s callin’ long last,
another siren in the night.
howlin’ in the night.
hundred miles ‘a road eaten behind,
cheap rest-stop coffee sittin’ in your gut,
windows down in the black,
see so many stars, kid, so many…
brother sleepin’ passenger,
all gangly ‘n languid,
‘n more adult than you ever known ‘im.
cigarettes ’bout out,
‘n the stars get one more fire-fly,
tumblin’ ‘long the long road “home”
wishin’ it could burn forever.
The run’s got you good ‘n solid,
but it ain’t like it’s a bad thing.
hair rustlin’ in the midnight wind,
never dreamt of here lockin’ ‘im in that attic.
‘n don’t he deserve freedom?
so drop that crap.
this ain’t bad.
ain’t easy.
but it ain’t bad.