I’m tired darling.
so very, very tired of this.
In the middle of the noise,
I remember that it’s only been a few weeks since her last seizure,
I remember all them folks and what I owe for my proofless knowledge,
I remember leaving her to pain, because it scared me,
I remember, I remember, I remember…
You’ve got a leg draped over some gay man at the bar,
and you’re smiling at him…
and I just want,
i just want to be touched.
I’m tired darling, and it ain’t no one’s fault.
there are times I just…
[lips to lips speaking by finger-tips,
my breath yours,
lost and stupid with the lust of you,
laying afterwards basking in the heat of you,
whispering little nothings in the dark,
holding you and holding and being…]
I’m just tired.
I’m just tired.