[Apply Online.]But how to you glean whether or not I have the charisma for good customer service from a form? [Apply Online.]How can you tell how firm my handshake is,Whether I walk with confidence,Or the exaggerated world weary apathy article after article bestows upon my generation. [Apply Online.]But I came in, resume in hand,Showered, shaved, …
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Aesop (2013)
Girls used to ask me out, said things like “Hey, Stephen, want to date?” (I mean what do you say in middle school? [When you’re not talking about that girl— giving blowjobs in the bathroom for a dollar]) I’d say “Yeah, sure.” And pretend they didn’t exist. Every one broke up with me within a …
A Mantra for Bad Nights (2013)
Shut up,You’ll be fine in the morning. Tomorrow’s shit is together,You just gotta keep it that way.
A Love Poem to Friendship (2013)
Hey,you remember that time you rolled a spliff,crept out into the frost with me,and we spoke for hours about nothing at all. –used to be that’s what I based relationships on, used to be used to be who the fuck has use for used to be? you and me,we stopped giving a shit,you’re pouring tequila …
A Letter to Textbook Publishers (2013)
DON”T MISS OUT!–you scream, completely missing the point of quotations Not that it matters,You with your collection of knowledge,You’ve got your arms wrapped in a stranglehold,Winking as you say,“Hey, don’t sweat it kid, this is the cost of education,Just pull some loans,Worry about it later.” But why do you charge hundreds of dollars for anthologies …