pluck the truths thensky-blue petals that flutter to barren ground somewhere i learned to hate my anxieties to be ashamed let them sit caught underfootslide into pavement crackswhere black ants …
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Untitled #164 (2015)
i’ve fallen from the capitollet the government of the Ido as it will. i’m for the little things anyhowthose few moments of claritythe small truthsthat come in the late hoursthe early toopruned from flowered darknessplucked from buds too youngto bloom alonesachrine sap sliding stick alongtracing cherished chantsin a language i almost wish i didn’t know. …
Untitled #162 (2015)
i hold your hand for as long as sleep will let mebefore it pushes me beyond your touch. the mountain is talland this bucket ain’t lightbut it ain’tain’t rightto let you suckle whatever backwash streamsthe mountain gives off,when i’ve got these strong armsand a love of climbing. intemperatetouch
Untitled #161 (2015)
low burndead-butt-smolderbeen without ideas for monthsall those dreams spent so easily‘n now i’m dreamlessendless used to be,used to be my dreams worth a dime at leastthen came that crash in the sleep-exchange,‘n we’ve been sittin’ on pennies now for yearsnot like anyone could have seenwe’d be dreamlessendlessbrokesovery soon. hear it rains them up in the …
Untitled #160 (2015)
a starlit skyoff the well traveled trail,and if a star falls in the woodsand burns everything to the fucking grounddoes Smokey the Bear make a sound? or is he sitting against the redwood bark,lighting his Camel,savoring the taste of American Industry,American History,while the hundred year treesspread seedlings in the blaze? there was a thunderstorm tonight‘bout …
Untitled #146 (2015)
I’m toe-tappin’ to fantasy,uptempo a bit,for the dance of it, but I, I, I just don’t know,if I’m standin’ aisle-side,or sittin’ in the pews.
The long, long final product. (2014)
Synapses fire with a war-for-cheap chatter,that self-same discharge that plasma chars air to vacuum.and those fires keep rising,and them flood waters are rising,but you, you’re ether bound, and damn if that sound don’t just R E SOUND.‘course, me, I’ve got …