It’s Friday,So I thought it appropriate to inform you,I named my blog after a mountain,I don’t speak Spanish,And as far as I know,No one has ever thought differently. That said,What if I was the overly polite foot of a/the devil,Pen clenched between toes,Spewin’ poetry ‘n prose? I gotta say,It’s been a damned long time since …
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Untitled #35 (2014)
Suppose it says somethin’ about the sayin’what with the whatever and the who,and the always absent answer.says somethin’ about the sayin’,that I’m dreamin’ just of bed-bound days,netflix ‘n body-heat.suppose it says somethin’,but I ain’t sure what.
Untitled #355 (2013)
i ain’t drunk enough for this shit,but dammit god,i will climb bloody fist over bloody fucking fist,up whatever broken tower of babel it takes; God,I will look you in the eyes,And I will demand you explain your reasons. ain’t no reason,ain’t no damn reason. [please-please-please,kiss me with those whiskey lips,i’m useless in this,i just want …
Untitled #336 (2013)
‘; Spoken word: From my years in The Boy Scouts of America #1: “On my honor I will do my bestTo do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;To help other people at all times;To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” – “Scout Oath” The Boy …
Untitled #338 (2013)
Also, I can’t get past a British poets’ society named after an American poetic movement. That’s cultural appropriation right there. Mind you, I don’t think there’s much wrong with it. It’s no different than modern American youth considering themselves part of the Beats. It’s just a completely different situation, different things folks are reacting to. …
Untitled #335 (2013)
I think we all need to learn–How to take some punches from someone,Give ‘em back,Shake hands,Apologize when necessary,‘n move on knowin’“No worries”– As Dennis put it when I apologized last night.
Untitled #328 (2013)
‘; Spoken word: Switch-Tracks: You know, when I was little, I loved trains.I remember we had this one little house,I think this was before I was in school,And the tracks ran along this hill just on the other side of our backyard,And it seems like every house we had in Kansas,You could hear the engines …
Untitled #33 (2014)
A man walks into a bar,only to find out that his time traveling clone put it there in the first place.“You’ve always been here”the bartender creeps,“always.” It’s like that one episode of Community,Or maybe it’s the episode from Buffy,or that one from Always Sunny,it’s probably from the pilot of Frasier I watched… you know the …
Untitled #326 (2013)
‘; Spoken word: A Personal Ad Cut Out With Left Handed Scissors: I-i-I need to get a handle on this.’s not the easiest thing I’ve ever done,pu-put-putting myself out like this.I want—wait—I need to work up to it.Can’t go back, can’t re-write.I’m writin’ this up on cocktail napkins ‘n coasters.It’s pay by the word,but I …
Untitled #327 (2013)
‘; Not as happy about my performance on this one. I may re-record it eventually. Spoken word: “fist-i-cuffs” I knew a guy,he called ‘em “fist-i-cuffs”,walkin’ around shadow-boxin’ dynamite.It’s a special kind of someone,that walks to an edge,and tries to fight it. Hell, what do I know about fights anyway,the one I was in, kid gave …