Untitled #213 (2018)

you know that moment,everyone does,when you come up against that rail,and lean out,look over,gauge how far it is down,and wonder how it would feel to jump? Now, I don’t recommend this as a life plan for anyone,because it results in as many scrapes and bruises and broken bones,as it does anything worth anything, but there …

Untitled #209 (2018)

stop, breathemist on your fingertipsbreeze through your hair this is just thisno more, no lessbreathe curl your toesfeel that electric ground. Now,one foot, then the other.

Untitled #210 (2018)

i suppose there’s more to be grateful for than not. what with the fight against entropy going as well as it ever goesand the paycheck vending machine still going,            kicks aside. and all them books that say that me,tired ‘n sweaty, surrounded all sides by clean,should be so damned happyjust cause, just cause, look at …

Untitled #205 (2018)

the best love poems I ever wrote,were for things I knew I would never have. found all my old music the other month,still remembering all the shit in there      listening to Trailer Trash on repeat. read through my old blog,been long enough, dunno.told my brother tonight,      in jest mind,that getting older was more debt,      more …

Untitled #206 (2018)

I’m in love now,with all the passion I used to dream of,so don’t get me wrong,I’m not unhappy:        but the thing about       not having to say I love you       like you’re screamin’ into a storm       is not having to get creative about saying it       in the hopes that maybe this time,       unlike all the …

Untitled #207 (2018)

sometimes I feel like the perfect chameleon. don’t talk about it much, anymore,but I’ve enough life under my belt to relateto just about anyone. lived just short of homeless for a while,been white my whole life, been a male too,been a busser,been a dishwasher,been a groundskeeper,been a burger-flipper,been a poet,been a writer,been an asshole,been shoved …

Untitled #2 (2014)

so, my grampa told me he wants to hang around until we grandkids start havin’ kids,course, as the oldest grandkid– love him,ain’t always had the best of relationships with him,but on my graduation he bought me a white gold bracelet with my name on it,the kind of thing he’d wear,if that gives you any image,course, …