It ain’t like the old days,When a little small-talk,Some half-assed awkward glances,Was enough to decide I was in love with you,And whatever baggage you have waiting at claim. It used to be,Romance and summer,Hand in hand,Over-saturated orange,And smells of dried grass,Long drips of sweat,Bare assed,Lounging in sunlight, It ain’t like the old days,Now it’s desperate …
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The Truth (2013)
Porn and cigarettes,Aren’t a replacement for you,But that doesn’t mean I’m unhappy
The Prayer; The Foil; (2014)
i, America, do not exist,for if i die before I wake,i pray for you, my soul to take. i am not the voice of my generation, or my country or my race or my class. i am a blade of grass stretched tight and …
The Push (2014)
“I think I regret sharin’ that with you. Don’t know how to handle it.”“You know, they rate bridges on a hundred point scale,and you know how many points the Centennial got?”“No.”“Less than four.”“Shit.”“Walk the bridge on a rainy day, and the wind chills as the water sprays, and the bridge bends and creaks in …
The Most Beautiful Person I Ever Met (2013)
The most beautiful person I ever met,Was you,All of you,Every one of you. You don’t see it,But fuck,I do.
The New Haiku (2015)
I can only send apologies for decisions I made rashly.You did mean something to me,I’m just cowardly and skittish.
The only direction (2015)
if you’re ever up my way, darlin’call up the path yonder. Look for the ached willow,it’ll come wanderin’ down the fork,‘n ask you, honest,if’n left ain’t the best,or if you’d prefer to right the right,‘n it’ll seem so much like this here’s the end. but choose,walk on a while,‘n tell me if it still matters …
The Place I Am (2013)
You could do a better job than me,Don’t think I don’t know that. I’m that far gone.
The long, long final product. (2014)
Synapses fire with a war-for-cheap chatter,that self-same discharge that plasma chars air to vacuum.and those fires keep rising,and them flood waters are rising,but you, you’re ether bound, and damn if that sound don’t just R E SOUND.‘course, me, I’ve got …
The Last Fact About Poetry (2014)
poets have trouble remembering you. i have no trouble remembering you. i remember sunlight streaming through the window, infusing dust. i remember that strong scent of your perfume, and your skin. i remember your lips, soft, fleeting, whispers. …