Smoking isn’t a good habit,but like every habit, it has it’s culture. A homeless 16 year old –was a seventeen year old once, and a fifteen year old after that–seemed like her age was just always just another fiction.smokes hand rolled,–“I asked my mom for help,–she sent me rolling papers.”another time, I hear she’s chewin’ …
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Sleep (2014)
Dead-daydreams beat dusty drums.I should be sleeping, –sleeping. I used to dream of this great house,built around this great tree,with doors in every room to this courtyard,where I could sprawl beneath its shade,I used to dream– –sleeping. I used to write poems to dreams,but they left, one by …
Sleep Deprived. (2014)
Gasoline and cut grass,dirt under fingernails,bearing grease wiped on pants, You know, in middle school I thought about being called Tom. It was this whole self-identity thing, …
Sex is a Language (2013)
The first images I saw of sex,Were diagrams of people cut in half,Picture books of all the little bits and bobs dissected and analyzed. I fucked a girl like that once,She never spoke,So I did nothing but dissect silence. The next images I saw of sex,Were puss, and ooze, and open wounds,Mistakes and regrets writ …
Shower Fiction (2013)
The shower is the perfect place for writing fictionI’m okay.You take those motions you do every day, you don’t have to thinkLet the water wash this away.Characters prance around your mindI’ll be honest today.You walk out with the whole thing outlined in your headI’ll be honest today.The shower is the perfect place for writing fiction.
Simply (2014)
I ain’t lookin’ for a need, darlin’,ain’t nothing scares me more. What I want is someone warm, ‘n kind,who simply wants me around. ‘n nothin’, nothin’ more.
Sequoia Bark (2014)
You probably can’t tell just from lookingbut I’ve got sequoia bark covering the heart-wood of me– flame resistant time-grown armor. years and years ago,him with his holiday belly,he had lighter-flint-fingers, always trying to light some spark in me,he was honor-bound, friend of the family,highly/Highly/HIGHLY recommended. I’ve had a lot of time since,a lot of time …
Service (2015)
I ask a table, “Can I get you any coffee?”No one looks at me,lights are going down.One man says, “no thanks.”I start walking away,only to hear them start to yell,“Hey! We want some coffee!”“YEAH! You’ve got to ask, you can’t just sashay past!” *Sassmaster 2,000 armed*lights are going down.vigorous pointing at empty coffee cups. *fucks …
Second Attempt (2015)
So,I think you’re really attractive,but I’m also terrified of sex with you.With anyone,but I’m supposed to say that no one else matters. that’s the way romance works, right? So…Can we go out to dinner?I want to stare down at my food,and wonder what the fuck I should even say. it’s what everyone is doing. and …
Second star to the right, (2013)
“and straight on ‘til morning.” ah shit, you’re in it now, self realization has hit the fan. grown ass man, grown ass man, ain’t worth shit. gone off to Neverland, run, run, runnin’ you’ve got all these memories, got all these reasons to be, ‘n you, you ain’t …