I’m brim-full of passion,it distills my blood to hundred proof.The skin of my lip is thin,why don’t you bite it ‘til you can taste the bite of it. [It ain’t so bad,I only bite back.]
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Poem for one night of love #1 (2013)
You got stories in your eyes,‘n I got this marrow deep desire to read ’em. I don’t suppose you’d mind if I moved in close,‘n pressed my lips to yours while you read ’em aloud? I want to taste your life like you do.
Pillow Talk (2014)
‘round the end of summer,can’t help but get that: “did you fall for me or did the seasons change”sort of flip to my step. but that’s gettin’ a tad ahead of myself.I asked her what kind of poem she wanted,‘n she said one about pillows,‘n I asked if she was sure,‘n …
partial self-definitions (2014)
var neuroChem = “fritzy at best, and I mean that in the best of ways, obviously, I mean I’m talking about myself here, defining it really. And then it’s got that god-speed down-turn, that go-soft-into-that-good-night bent, that calamity call yawp, yawp, yawp. Don’t, don’t make much sense.”; var workEthic = “Keep with the keepin’ on …
pictures of exes (2014)
for how interesting your erect nipples are,I can’t help but notice the fresh cuts along your skin,and I understand,god do I understand,but I worry,for you are beautiful,and I want you in the world with me,one of the things keeping me here. If I may be selfish.
Org. Latin: To Languish in Apathy (2015)
there is a window,and on it you have written your dreams– in dry–erasein the night, i come,rearranging letters and symbols,so when you wake, you read: a hundred reasons i don’t a thousand i won’t a million reasons …
Pareidolia (2013)
Did you know the brain is built around finding something in nothing?if you see familiar feature-faces in a crowd of strangers– –that’s your brain trying to force the world into pegs it already knows.
“On Minecraft”, A Video-Game Poem (2013)
I used to have a miniature sand-garden,I used to rake it out when I was drunk,Or mulling something over. There’s something to be said about a canvas with rules,But no answers.
one of the artist’s statements (2014)
as I kissed him,his lips begged me to write,his hands,and pulse,begged. she whispered stories she told no-one,and my fingers oozed words against the fabric of her shirt, I don’t know if they know how they inspire, or if they want more credit than I’ve given, but they begged me, judge,each and …
Open Mic (2015)
{Lights up, kid,stage is set.Spotlight’s burnin’ holes in ya.Audience’s got that dread-judge stare to ‘em,‘n that mic feedback ain’t doin’ wonders here.Say what you came to say.} Love.I do love you, all these years later.It’s weird.Kind of.And it’s taken me a long time to say I’m sorry.I’m sorry.* [*Strain, Dippel, et. al.: Mr. Kennedy, this …