“K” is probably the most aggressive letter I know of,the summation bite of whiskey,the bitter start-up jab of acknowledgethe double-double edge of kissthe defensive ring “I know” “I know” “I know”it’s back against-the-wall, it’s explosive back-of-the-tongue, the chide-snide chants of …
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It’s Not You (2014)
Isn’t my fleeting attention fickle,though for all the attempts,for all the ails and artifice,she’s yet to do more than nod,‘n maybe that’s just the way she is,maybe that’s just the flow of her,but I tried, ma’am,I reached and wrote from the rote,but we still ain’t had much,much more than the meet and greet. …
It’s the puncible of the thing (2014)
I want to love a poet,so that our words can intertwine,and our bodies can take vacations while words bother with the procreation. Hard, sweaty work,not for poet’s hands.
It won’t last. (2014)
Kid, god love ya,you gotta, gotta know,I’m a passin’ fancy. I got these words rattlin’ ‘round, shake the sack ‘n write the results, but all means the same, same damned thing. get tired, eventually. talk like I know somethin’,brains full of fluff ‘n nothin’.
Jack London (2015)
I used to write you the best poems.It was enoughto leave them wrapped and folded where you would see.I’ve always loved making you smile– It’s easy to get distracted.So easy,but I think I’m learning.Each slip is shorter than the lasteach short slipped slightly less. Learned so much these last years.Only hope same’s said of you.I …
It’s all transitional. (2014)
Mississippi bridges,in rust and trust and trust again,we pray to you,please do not dunk us river-side. Pray with your hand out the window, making waves in the air-currents, loving the cool breeze from the waves.Mississippi bridges. Pray with your eyes on them stars, on them clounds, on blue skies and rain-storms.Please, please don’t fail.I’ve got …
it’s more than I could ever say. (2013)
You want part ‘n parceled truth,ain’t that, ain’t that the truth of it? You’ve got these deep hungers for somethin’but it’s really more of a naggin’ gnaw,‘n you want me to compress, ‘n impress all of it on you.you ain’t got time to wait.Ain’t no one got time to wait,not even for learnin’. But I …
introvert (2013)
ain’t it sad,my affection ain’t dead-set,my passion ain’t locked yet.I got this flittin’ pixie nature,I got this pissin’ vapid stature. ain’t it sad,ain’t it sad,ain’t it sad? ain’t it sad I can’t commit? ‘n one ‘n only ‘n only, just got the one, only ‘n one. growin’ up in old drafty houses,growin’ up in good …
It ain’t mornin’ if it’s dark (2013)
I don’t know you, but you’ve got that whiskey taste left on your lips, ‘n I’ve got teeth that want to pull ‘em. I ain’t got a therapist, but if I did: “you ain’t connectin’ to people, kid, you ain’t givin’ ’em enough of yourself, you go half-cocked ‘n saddle-shocked, runnin’ …
It all comes down to Kinetics. (2013)
Let’s sext in the rain,how about it? I know it ain’t,I know, I know,I know it ain’t the same, But I get off on the idea of you gettin’ off to my words, Fight of flight, fight or flight, I want the damn kinetics of you, I want your fist across my face, I …