Untitled #182 (2015)

Also, recently 24-7prose has been raiding my archives. They also reminded everyone that I have a poetry collection for sale. Though now the price is a measly $0.99 rather than the original $2.99 This post has been equal parts gratitude and marketing. You’re welcome.

Talking about why love poems are boring, and why they don’t have to be. (2013)

Tumblr, you and I need to have a talk. But Stephen, what do we need to talk about? Also, we are Legion. I’m gonna sideline that last comment, but you might want that looked at. We need to talk about poetry, or to be more specific, we need to talk about love poems. I’ve been …

Talking About How to Write Poetry (2013)

Kayla Ancrum answered a question here that inspired this whole thing. The crux of the question is “How do you write poems?” Poetically, I could say to write poems your swish around all the roiling emotions you’ve got sloshing around inside you and spit them up into perfectly worded lines and metaphors, but that wouldn’t …

Sometimes I think God chants silently at night in the hopes that we are real. (2014)

In these past few days I’ve had more people in my bed. They’re sleeping. You’re happy, you’re happy with this. You’ve got those old home creaks in your deep breath sleep, that pilot light click and old pipe rattle, that old floor-board stretch and sigh and… That Mississippi flow, that arterial… Hold that timber in …

Masculine (2015)

Sometimes in the mornings I stare at myself in the mirror. It isn’t vanity that drives this, as I sit there picking apart all the scars on my skin, how my teeth are never white like other peoples, how the shape of my face is wrong, how my stomach has grown, how thin my hair …